Finding God In The In Between Of Life, Love, And Work

Today I am sitting down with Atlanta Georgia native, Hope Anusiem. Hope is a business management consultant with a passion for business and entrepreneurship. She also hails a Bachelors degree and MBA from Georgian tech University. But most importantly, Hope draws from her name to inspire and empower others through the journey and lessons of her own life.

On todays episode we talk all about how to find joy and faith in the in betweens of life. Hope opens up about her journey of building a business from the ground up over the span of seven years and after it all having to let it go. She speaks to the struggle it was and still sometimes is, knowing how to trust God through all of the changes that life sometimes brings. In the last half of the interview we also dive into the conversation of navigating the dating scene as an older single woman. Hope shares her own story of love and loss and how through it all she learned a deeper faith and trust in God.

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